Your opportunity to share love with orphans around the world.

By March 6, 2006

International (MNN) — Buckner Orphan Care International needs people who want to bring love to orphan children around the world.

Several short-term summer trips to Romania and Russia urgently need more participants in order to make the trips happen. Teams will minister to orphans and youth through various ministry outreaches, including Shoes for Orphan Souls, VBS, sports camps, humanitarian aid distribution, and construction.

It’s a great opportunity to bring a smile to a child’s face by showing them they are loved, but even more than that, it’s a chance to bring the message of hope and eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Buckner is offering more trips this year than ever before. In 2002, their first year sending trips, they sent around 100 people on 7 trips. Last year, more than 720 people went on 45 trips. This year, they will send out around 1000 people on over 50 trips!

Trip destinations include China, Guatemala, Kenya, Latvia, Peru, Romania and Russia. Specific details about Buckner’s trip opportunities are listed on their website. Follow their information listed below.

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