India (MNN) – Kids should be going to school, playing with their friends, and enjoying childhood. Instead, 10.1 million kids in India are child laborers, according to the last census. Extreme poverty particularly leads parents to desperation.
Vinati is a child in India whose family faced an impossible choice. Her mother was very sick, and her dad was struggling with the financial burden of caring for her mom alone.

(Photo of Vinati courtesy of Mission India)
Mission India’s Regan Miller says, “Vinati offered to help her dad earn a living just to make ends meet. She was just 10 years old. He didn’t want that to have to happen. He wanted her to be able to keep going to school, but he didn’t really know what else to do.”
They needed a miracle.
Around that time, a Mission India leader invited Vinati to join their Year-Long Children’s Bible Club.
Vinati’s parents were hesitant at first. But they heard how Vinati could get help with her homework at the Bible Club and enjoy being a kid with games, songs, and playing with her friends. Eventually, Miller says, “Her parents allowed her to go…. As Vinati attended the Bible Club, she learned about God and about the Holy Spirit.
“Through her attending the Bible Club, her parents came to know about Jesus!”
Vinati and her parents found new relationships with Christ. They also began to pray for healing, and God graciously restored her mother’s health! Today, Vinati is in school and her family is part of the local Church – all thanks to the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club.
If you’re moved by Vinati’s story, would you give more kids in India access to the gospel? Just $24 gives one child a spot in Mission India’s Year-Long Children’s Bible Club. Click here to give!
Then, please pray for more children like Vinati to hear the gospel. Ask God to show 10.1 million child laborers in India their worth in Jesus Christ. Pray encouragement for Mission India’s Bible Club leaders reaching the least-reached.
Header photo of Children’s Bible Club courtesy of Mission India.