Pakistan (MNN) — The truth is surfacing in Pakistan.
Forgotten Missionaries International (FMI) contacts recently sent Executive International Director Bruce Allen an update concerning the twin church bombings and deadly riots in Youhanabad.
“It wasn’t the Christians who started these riots,” Allen reports. “It was, in fact, the Muslims.”
Truth revealed
According to The Daily Nawaiwaqt, a national Urdu-language news source, police have apprehended the alleged mastermind behind March’s attacks: Ghulam Hussain.
“From what we understand, neither of the two suicide bombers blew themselves up,” says Allen. “Ghulam had remotes to activate [the bombs].”
Along with planning the Youhanabad church bombings, Hussain has confessed to pre-planning the burning of two Muslim men.
“He wanted to initiate clashes and riots between Christians and Muslims in order to create upheaval in society,” explains Allen. “[Police are] wondering if those two Muslim men, who were burned, were simply pawns.”
According to Nawaiwaqt, Hussain was captured on April 5. Thus far, the news of his capture hasn’t surfaced in any English-language reports.
Seeking justice
FMI’s partners in Pakistan say the Nawaiwaqt report is driving many wives and families to action.
“Many, many families have gone to the police station with photocopies of this newspaper article and said, ‘Look! We have the confession; it’s made public now. Would you please release our relatives?” shares Allen.
Following the riots, over 100 Christian men were arrested and detained by local police and anti-terrorism forces. Many were tortured into making false confessions; some have already been indicted for crimes related to the riots.
The accused will have their cases tried in military court, thanks to a recent decision by the Interior Minister.
For those who are innocent yet still detained in an unknown location, a murky future awaits. Will you surround these men and their families in prayer?
“The Christians are still [asking], ‘How can we get justice?'” Allen says.
“In the meantime, this man [Hussain] who’s confessed to his involvement [in the bombings and riots] is being held in a police safe house.”
Hope for tomorrow
This situation creates an abundance of frustration, but FMI-supported Gospel workers aren’t letting it stop them. Later this month, FMI and their partners will be hosting a 4-day conference for pastors and their families.
“It’s going to be a very dynamic conference,” Allen notes. “We have sessions coming up that are focused on continuing the development of communication skills [and] how to live as a minority in a pluralistic society.”
Two Pakistani Muslim-Background Believers (MBBs) will be speaking at the conference, sharing outreach strategies and insights.
“They’ll be sharing their own testimonies and how to effectively engage the Majority population,” says Allen.
There will also be sessions specifically geared toward pastors’ wives and children.
“A pastor’s whole family is really involved in this ministry of church planting and evangelism,” Allen says. “They’re on the frontlines [too], and they need encouragement.”
Can you help make it happen?
“We’re looking to raise scholarships for the families to attend this conference,” says Allen. “Scholarships are $100 apiece.”
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