USA (MNN) — There are literally millions of orphaned children around the world. The United Nations describes an orphan as a child who is missing either one or both parents. In some nations like Russia and the former Soviet Union, a stigma comes with this moniker.
Christians around the world will remember these children on Orphan Sunday, November 4.
EFCA GlobalFingerprints is just one organization that wants you to participate. Through their program, they're changing realities for many. GlobalFingerprints is the EFCA's child sponsorship program serving orphans in the Democratic Republic of Congo and children in the slums of Kolkata, India. For $35/month, a GlobalFingerprints child receives an education, medical care, and the love of Christ.
If you're feeling called to do something for Orphan Sunday at your church, EFCA has 10 simple ideas for you.
• Show a GlobalFingerprints video during worship service.
• Have a church leader introduce GlobalFingerprints as the EFCA's child sponsorship program and challenge the congregation to sponsor a child for $35/month.
• Include a GlobalFingerprints insert in your Sunday bulletin.
• Display child cards immediately outside of your sanctuary and encourage people to sponsor a child.
• Take a special offering and sponsor one or more children as a congregation. ($420 sponsors a child for a year, $840 for two years, $1260 for three years.)
• Get a large water bottle: collect loose change for the month and use funds to sponsor one or more children through GlobalFingerprints.
• Engage children, teens, and small groups in learning about the needs of orphans. Encourage them to watch the GlobalFingerprints videos, to be praying for orphans, and to consider sponsoring an orphan together.
• Ask your pastor to preach a sermon on God's love for the orphan and the Biblical basis for orphan care.
• Practically look for ways you can encourage and support someone in your church or community who has adopted, is in the process of adopting, or is a foster parent.
• Gather and make available resources (books, DVDs, brochures, lists of Web sites) about sponsorship, adoption, foster care, and Safe Families for Children for your congregation.
The EFCA suggests that you be creative and keep it simple. Make sure you involve the kids and your friends. Pray. Ask God to lead and give you a heart for caring for orphans. If you're excited about the program, your passion will help others catch the vision for orphan ministry, too.
If you need resources, free ones are available. Request them at [email protected]. Packets include everything you'll need for Orphan Sunday: DVD, child sponsorship cards, brochures, and stickers.
If you need additional information, click here.