International (FH/MNN) — Got any used game controllers that you don’t need? Did you know these can help END POVERTY (both the physical and spiritual kind)?

(Image courtesy Food For The Hungry)
As you’re cleaning out your closets and making room for the new, Food For The Hungry wants you to consider this:
90% of the world’s wealth is in material things.
The average household has about $7,000 worth of unused items.
Now, you can turn your old stuff into resources that can end poverty in the hard places. You can donate last year’s cell phone, your old car, jewelry that’s out of style, unused gift cards, and even those old video games that you’ve already beaten.
For example, let’s say you could get $35 for an old Nintendo Wii. Once it converts over, did you know that $33 provides all the materials, training, and travel for a community leader to become a church or pastoral leader?
The funds help pay for seminars and conferences with other pastors to help FH church partners renew and refresh. It brings these co-laborers in Christ together, encourages them, and helps them to meet spiritual and physical needs in their communities.
So, before you toss the old video game system in the back of the closet or put it in the trash, consider FH. You might be surprised at the impact that your old stuff can make on vulnerable children, families, and communities.
Plus, thanks to a grant from USAID and other partners, your non-cash gift will be multiplied 22 times, which means your gift can go even further to bring more life-changing resources to the world’s most vulnerable people.
Here’s how:
- Tell FH a little bit about the item you’d like to donate.
- They’ll arrange for pickup or shipping.
- You receive a tax receipt for your donation.
You’ve already beaten the game: now help beat poverty! Click here to get started.