Yemen is located on the southern region of the Arabian peninsula.
Yemen (VCM) – The following story comes to us by way of Voice of the Martyrs Canada. They’ve confirmed the reports via Middle East Concern and Release International:
On March 4th, gunmen killed at least 16 people in a horrific attack on a Christian care home in the city of Aden. The home, which provides compassionate care and ministry to its elderly and disabled residents, is operated by a Christian charity organization founded by Mother Teresa.
The fatalities include four missionaries — two from Rwanda, one from India, and one from Kenya — along with several other workers, including at least five from Ethiopia. The whereabouts of the Indian pastor based at the home are unknown and a cause for concern.
Although Aden, the Yemeni capital, was recaptured from Houthi militants by forces loyal to President Hadi last July, the country is still in the grip of lawlessness and conflict. Extremist groups such as Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula remain at large.

(Photo courtesy Flickr/cc/Anduze Traveller)
Please uphold the families, friends, and colleagues of those murdered in this recent attack — including the surviving elderly and infirmed residents of the Christian care home — asking God to provide them the comfort, presence, and peace of our Lord Jesus.
Also during this time of upheaval, may the remaining believers in Yemen receive His protection and guidance in every aspect of their lives and Christian witness. May the perpetrators of this horrific crime be convicted by the Holy Spirit of their grievous sin against fellow humanity and, as a result, earnestly seek God’s forgiveness and the new life He offers through His Son.
More information on this country, as well as previous reports, can be found here.