Cameroon (MNN) — Today marks a celebration of 25 years since Bible translation projects began in Cameroon, West Africa.
President of Wycliffe Bible Translators, Bob Creson, has been in Cameroon for the last few days, revisiting spots where he himself was involved in translation, although the translation climate now looks significantly different than it did 15 years ago.
When Bible translation began in 1987 in Cameroon, the model for translation was still to send a single expatriate team to begin a project. But that has changed.
"Cameroonians are now taking the leadership of these projects," explains Creson. "Local communities are very much involved in helping to shape the nature of the translation process–what they want to see, what they want to have built for them in terms of tools for discipleship, evangelism and church planting."
Nationals are taking over, and Wycliffe likes it. The local Cameroonian involvement has been vital to the speed and success of the numerous translation projects there. Above all, that means the Gospel is reaching people quicker.
"People are coming to Christ now in unprecedented numbers, and God is really at work in the community in Cameroon," says Creson.
The success in Cameroon is representative of projects across the globe. Wycliffe has been able to get more local believers involved with translation projects worldwide. The advantage of locals combined with the advancement of technology is driving translation forward with serious speed.
"The national colleagues, like the ones we have here in Cameroon, are a big part of why Bible translation has accelerated to the point that we can have an honest discussion, that within the next 12 to 14 years the final Bible translation needs are going to be started," notes Creson.
Vision 2025–Wycliffe's goal to get a Bible translation project rolling for every language in the world by the year 2025–is looking more and more doable, thanks to hard-working teams like the ones in Cameroon. But thousands of people help to make these projects possible, including prayer warriors and financial supporters.
You can be a part of this exciting Gospel work by praying the New Testament into completion with Wycliffe's Finish Line, by helping support Wycliffe missionaries financially, or by physically getting involved. Learn about all the ways to get involved at www.wycliffe.org.