Uganda (MNN) — In 1999, Wycliffe Bible Translators along with international and local partners from around the world, developed a vision for a Bible translation to be in every language not yet reached by the year 2025.
Wycliffe is currently working on 1,400 translations in 176 countries, but there are still more than 2,200 languages untouched.
Wyliffe's President Bob Creson said this goal is "humanly speaking, impossible" but also "God-sized," meaning with God's help it is possible to achieve.
To accelerate the process of translating, Wycliffe has recently changed the responsibilities of translating teams.
Previously, one team was assigned to one community and worked on one language exclusively. Creson said, "Now, as a result of this new way of thinking, a new way of planning, we're assigning one team to multiple languages or one team to multiple workshops."
These new teams are called "comprehensive teams" and as a result, “We see work progressing much more rapidly, particularly as we involve national colleagues in our work,”said Creson.
In Uganda and Tanzania, a comprehensive team is starting to translate some of the many languages still in need of the Scriptures. They are currently working in the Ik area in the city of Kaabong.
As they continue their work throughout the area, Creson said, “Our real goal is to see more and more Tanzanians and Ugandans involved in taking responsibility for the work.” This includes the people taking positions such as language program manager and translation or linguistic coordinators.
However, Creson said they still need help to accomplish this enormous vision by the year 2025. Their biggest need is money since it is a multi-million dollar project. If you are interested in helping the Wycliffe Translators reach their Vision 2025 financially, click here.
Creson said after translation starts, his teams are able not only to have a spiritual impact there, but they can also help with education and social needs, such as poverty, health, malaria and HIV/AIDS.