International (MNN) — Pastors in China and Cuba need your
help to make disciples in their nations. Now that's possible through WorldServe
"In the past we've done this program and sponsored
hundreds of different pastors in those two countries," said WorldServe's
Ken Leggatt. "One thing we didn't do was supply our supporters and
constituents in North America with information about the pastor they were
"Due to security concerns in these two Communist
countries, denominations weren't comfortable sharing that information in the
However, that information is now available, so sponsors can
build a relationship with the pastor they've chosen to support. WorldServe will
send sponsors biographical information about the pastor they're supporting, updates, prayer concerns, and
an annual "report card" detailing what's happened over the year, .
"We're really excited to distribute that to our
supporters in North America here so they can build a strong relationship with
those pastors that they're supporting."
Adopt-A-Pastor supports pastors while they evangelize and
plant churches in unreached communities. Less than $100 can support a pastor in
either Cuba or China. But what exactly is your money used for?
"The support that WorldServe is providing is a two-three year bridge to establish a tithing church," Leggatt explains.
Generally, pastors are given a one-way ticket to minister in
an unreached area. Arriving as a stranger in these new communities means
starting from scratch with no support system.
"They arrive in
a new town, and they don't have any relationships or contacts within the
community. They don't have a job, typically."
Churches planted by the pastors eventually grow to the
point where their members can tithe on a regular basis. Until then, WorldServe
provides a living stipend.
"The stipend is a two-three year commitment that
WorldServe provides, not to give them a paycheck or living expenses, but as
assistance in meeting some day-to-day expenses and doing evangelism work in
those communities."
WorldServe hopes eventually to sponsor up to 1,000
missionaries in each nation of China and Cuba. Currently, around 150 pastors
need sponsorship.
"As we get
sponsors for these pastors, we'll add more," says Leggatt, "but we're
starting small with them to build the program and make sure that we've got kinks
ironed out as we go forward."
Leggatt adds that WorldServe strives to build good relationships
with denominational partners in these countries and supporters in North America.