Philippines (MNN) — “Our team is safe and sound. They were fortunately just south of the path of the storm.” That’s the message from the Executive Director of World Mission, Greg Kelley.
Last week we told you about a World Mission team on the ground in the Philippines before Typhoon Haiyan hit the country. They were there to hand out Treasures, solar powered audio Bibles in the indigenous language.
Kelley says the team is on the Island of Mindanao right now, which is strategic for relief. “They’re actually able to get ahold of basic medicine, food, bottled water and they’re transporting it up there. The path of the storm, all of the main areas are gone. What wasn’t taken away from the storm was looted.”
Kelley says World Mission is making aid is the top priority. “We’re mobilizing relief packs, which cost about $8, which would include medicine, food, bottled water, some toiletries, [and] baby formula — just basic necessities. We’re trying to buy people another day of life, literally.”
World Mission has lost touch with one of the partnering pastors in Tocloban City, but they’re moving forward with the relief efforts anyway.
Kelley says they’re not abandoning plans to distribute 500 Treasure audio Bibles. “Interestingly, in the midst of the devastation we’re getting many reports of people who are asking for The Treasure. Obviously they need food and water, but they’re also saying, ‘we need the Word of God during this time of despair.”
It costs $50 to provide a World Mission Relief Pack and a Treasure. Each Treasure will impact 20 people with the Gospel. You can go to WorldMission.cc and give safely and securely on-line.