Asia (MNN) — When it comes to raising up leaders in church ministry and outreach, pastors supported by Gospel for Asia do not only look to the men in their congregations. They believe that women are just as important in bringing the Gospel to their communities and beyond.
GFA's Women's Fellowship groups help women grow in God's Word, learn to share His love with their neighbors, and receive basic education that may have been denied them as young girls.
One Women's Fellowship group worked together to hold two special services in neighboring villages. These were times for pastors' wives and women missionaries to fellowship and learn with their fellow sisters in Christ, who were part of local church congregations.
Local pastors helped the women set up and prepare for the services, excited to help the women grow in the Lord.
During the sessions, pastors' wives taught the women about God's desire to work through them for His Kingdom. They taught that God does not consider women to be less important than men, as their culture often tells them, but that He loves them equally and has great plans for them.
Many of the women, relieved to hear this message, shared with joy and tears how God had spoken to their hearts.
In another region of South Asia, Women's Fellowship members organized a large convention for 534 women representing 86 local churches spread throughout a large area.
The women worked hard to prepare the convention. Organizing the event even turned into a ministry opportunity. They shared Christ with the conference hall managers, who responded with interest. In the midst of the event planning, the women decided to start a new fellowship group in the area.
When the conference started, the sound of hundreds of women worshiping God in their own language filled the room. Then two leaders' wives shared messages to encourage the women in their walk with the Lord and in their ministry to their neighbors.
Eager to learn, many of the women recorded the messages on their cell phones so they could listen again and share it with other women who couldn't attend.
During the three-day convention, the ladies also performed cultural programs, took an offering for their outreach, and participated in a Scripture memory competition.
The women went home with many new ideas and motivation from the Lord.
"We hope that all the women will shine like bright morning stars in the days to come," wrote a GFA field correspondent.