India (MNN) — Now that Kinaari, a 40-year-old mother of four, can read, she no longer must seek out a literate person to read Scripture for the family's weekly devotionals.
Kinaari enrolled in Mission India's 52-week literacy program where she attended classes two hours every night. After only six months, she is able to read her Bible on her own. She has even been teaching her husband and daughter how to read, and she says her family is now spending more time reading the Bible together.
Kinaari has been a Christian for 15 years. She attends church and prays daily, but this has been her first opportunity to read Scripture for herself. She says worshipping Jesus is one of her greatest joys in life.
The family's income has doubled since Kinaari learned to read because literacy opens up doors to better jobs, higher standards of living, and responsible citizenship.
The cost of the program is $30. This provides a stipend and training for teachers. It also covers the cost of three lesson books, slates and chalk for students, a large chalkboard for the teacher, and a kerosene lantern. The lanterns are useful since most classes are conducted at night.
As a member of the class, Kinaari also would have received coaching in the formation of self-help groups, savings clubs, and/or prayer groups. About 85-percent of students graduate with a fifth-grade reading level.
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