WMP welcomes new ministry contact in Finland

By August 13, 2024

Finland (MNN) — Handing off the baton of ministry leadership to a new generation can be stressful. Instead, the process is an answer to prayer for World Missionary Press.

WMP’s distribution contact in Finland had gotten quite old, and they weren’t sure who would replace him. Then, the Lord provided.

The new contact is just what WMP needed. “She is a go-getter; she sends inventories [and] reports; she’s really into this,” WMP’s Helen Williams says.

“She’s willing to go and cover Sweden and Norway, all the way across Scandinavia.”

This young woman is website and social media savvy, opening a new avenue for Scripture booklet distribution.

“She’s done a lot more promo stuff to make it known that the material is available in Finland in all of these languages, and I think we’ll see a greater influence there,” Williams says.

A Polish police officer holds a baby girl as Ukraine refugees flood across the border.
(Wikimedia Commons/梁柏堅 Pakkin Leung)

Refugees from war-torn countries have increasingly traveled north in recent years, making new homes in the Scandinavian Peninsula from places like Iraq, Somalia, and Ukraine. WMP’s new contact will make it much easier to get Gospel resources into the hands of these populations.

“She sent me a note and said, ‘I can send them from Finland into Sweden and Norway’ for a lot less than what we would mail them. This has been a prayer of mine for a long time,” Williams says.

“One of the things that we want to do is have centralized distribution in as many countries as possible, saving us a lot of money on mailing boxes. One of our small boxes with 500 booklets will cost us over $50 to ship, so the more we can do within a country, [the better.]”

Praise the Lord for His provision and perfect timing. Pray that WMP’s new contact will receive the help she needs.

“We’ve got two containers on the way to her. There’s going to be a lot to do, and she’s going to need some help on the ground,” Williams says.

“When she gets two containers [with] five or six million pieces, she will have her hands full.”




Header image depicts a street scene in Helinski, Finland. Refugees from war-torn countries have increasingly traveled north in recent years, making new homes in the Scandinavian Peninsula from places like Iraq, Somalia, and Ukraine. (Photo courtesy of Tapio Haaja/Unsplash)

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