Afghanistan (MNN) — The Taliban will allow women to learn in classrooms, but not alongside men. They have also told most women to stay home from their jobs, at least for the time being. The Taliban wants to create a society in line with a strict interpretation of Islam.
Many Afghans are fleeing this harsh new reality in their country. World Missionary Press has translated the Gospel of John into Dari, the most widely spoken language in Afghanistan. Helen Williams says, “We have already two major outreaches, one asking for 25,000. They are sending them overseas. They have communities in Europe particularly, and in parts of the Middle East, where the Afghans will be resettled, or at least coming through.”
Local churches in these places and in the U.S. will distribute copies of John among refugees communities. Pray the story of Jesus will bring hope to many.
This is a new field for World Missionary Press, Williams says. “We didn’t even have anything in the Dari language until after 9/11. When all of a sudden we had opportunities, we were able to get the material printed.”
How to get involved
Want to help this work continue in the Dari language and many others around the world? You can get involved here. Williams says, “The believers in Europe are sensing all of these people that are coming to them and reaching out. And being able to have literature in any language that they come across through World Missionary Press is just an enormous blessing, They get it free, and we send it to them where they are.”
Pray also that God would change many hearts in Afghanistan, loosening the power of the Taliban and freeing the people from the religious authoritarianism they are facing today.
The header photo shows refugees leaving Kabul during the U.S. evacuation. (Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain)