USA (MNN) — Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” But what if parents are new in their faith or have no idea how to lead a family devotional time?
Greg Yoder of Keys for Kids Ministries says questions like these led his team to start working on a new training resource for parents.
“We’ve been around since 1942… we’ve been able to provide great resources for families to begin introducing [their kids] to Jesus; as they come to Christ, watching them grow in Him,” Yoder says.
“During the 2021 season of ministry, we are making a concerted effort to recruit families who use Keys for Kids and Unlocked to help train other families.”
Equip disciple-makers
On its website, Keys for Kids Ministries offers a plethora of biblical resources designed to help the next generation know Christ, follow Him, and share their faith with others. “We know there are thousands, if not millions, of people using Keys for Kids material to lead their families to Christ,” Yoder says.
“Some families listen to the audio on their way to school. [Other] families, the first thing they do in the morning before homeschool is pulling out their Keys for Kids [devotional], and they read the Bible.”
If you’re a parent and these materials made a difference in your family, Keys for Kids needs to hear from you!
“Either go to our Facebook or Instagram pages and just let us know that you’re out there. That’s the easiest way; you can private message us. Or, you could email us,” Yoder suggests.
“There are probably a lot of families just like yours who need your ideas to help grow their family in a spiritual walk with Jesus.”
You don’t have to worry about what to say. Just seek the Lord’s direction and be willing to share your story. “You don’t have to be a good videographer [either],” Yoder adds.
“You have to have a laptop or a cell phone [that] can connect to Zoom, and we’ll do all the recording for you. We’ll even ask important questions that, perhaps, will help another family.”
Change the next generation
Ask the Lord to guide Keys for Kids staff as they seek connections for this new work. Pray the Holy Spirit stirs the hearts of parents using Keys for Kids materials to disciple their children. Pray they respond to this call to share their experience with others.
“There are a lot of families in churches that know they need to have devotional time with their kids. They’re just not taking time to do it. Our prayer is that [this program] will begin fostering the discussion in churches, and even maybe some homeschool families,” Yoder says.
“There are so many kids that are being lied to by our society. They’re going down different paths, and many of them are leaving the Church and not coming back. We don’t want that to happen.”
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