Haiti (MNN) — After the 2010 earthquake shook the nation of Haiti, the plight of Haitians was in the headlines of major publications and in the forefront of people’s minds.
While the troubling situations facing Haitians haven’t gone away, many aid organizations and outreach efforts have.
Global Aid Network missionary Jim Warner says, “One of the main problems that we have in this country is ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’…Now that a couple of years have passed and you don’t hear about Haiti very much, people tend to not remember or think about Haiti, and the tremendous need there is just a few short air hours away.”
GAiN USA’s Jim and Cheryl Warner minister in Central Haiti on the Nehemiah Vision Ministries compound. One of their major outreaches to a displacement camp in Onaville has over 230,000 Haitians living in tents and huts.
The Warner’s run vision clinics in Onaville, and Cheryl ministers to 120 Haitian women teaching trade skills like crafting jewelry and baskets. Also, Nehemiah Vision Ministries will open a full hospital complete with surgical units and a pharmacy by the fall.
With all the avenues of outreach, there is one thing Jim says they need more of: people to help.
“One of the ongoing needs down there is medical,” says Jim. “Especially when the hospital opens up, there’s going to have to be a steady stream of medical teams coming down.”
Jim goes on to say, “Haiti is not a highly technical country. So [we need] people to come down and teach the Haitians how to do some of the craft skills to develop materials or items they can sell–also on the trade side for welding and laying concrete and construction.”
Other ministry opportunities include English camps, soccer clinics, agriculture development, and dental clinics.
Ministry in Haiti through GAiN USA is also a great opportunity to spread the Gospel. Jim says, “We just share the Gospel in a very simple way, and everything is done through interpreters. But the people are very hungry for the Gospel and very open to it.”
Jim asks Christians to pray for “God directing the right people to come down with the skills to help Haitians develop their skills and become self-sufficient.”
GAiN USA’s mission trips for 2013 are now open for registration. They have four mission trips to Haiti scheduled for next year. It costs just $1,325 to go.