International (MNN) — Not everyone is called to be a missionary, but there are plenty of ways to get involved in the missions world. Believers can support missionaries, take short-term trips, and volunteer for local ministries. But one of the most vital pieces to the puzzle is prayer.
The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) has missionaries around the globe. These faithful Christ-followers are building the kingdom wherever they go, but it's unlikely that even one of them would say the work's been easy or that they have done it on their own. Some life transformations they've seen can only be explained by the power of prayer.
God asks us to pray. TEAM's Mike Cochrane says, "[God] puts His will into the hearts of His people, and when they speak His will back to Him, then He does it." So TEAM has decided to pray. And they invite you to join in.
For the second year, TEAM has embarked upon its ‘Everyone 100' prayer initiative to get more believers praying for the missions world.
"‘Everyone 100' is an emphasis on prayer and engagement with the body of Christ all around the world," explains Cochrane. "We take 100 days in the new year to emphasize the involvement that believers can have in the discipleship of people all around the world."
The 2011 prayer challenge starts this week, January 14, and will last through April 24, culminating at the most celebratory day on the Christian calendar: Easter. Participants will receive weekly e-newsletters with daily prayer requests from TEAM missionaries. A daily devotional is also included.
There is certainly commitment involved in praying everyday for 100 days, but the benefits are immeasurable. Not only do participants get to learn about the mission field by reading prayer requests from TEAM missionaries all over the globe, but lives and ministries will undoubtedly be changed by the powerful, daily prayers of Christians involved in the initiative.
"It's a way for people to be involved and to truly be part of the team working around the world," says Cochrane.
Prayer is the lifeblood of missions and outreach. Sign up to be a part of ‘Everyone 100' today and be a part of God's exciting work around the world. Visit www.teameveryone.org to subscribe.