International (MNN) — Have you ever wanted to go on a missions trip, but lacked the time and the funds? e3 partners now provides virtual trips through various digital platforms.
“God gave us the vision for this in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic,” Jeff Johnston, e3’s marketing communications manager, says. “As we’ve gone about developing it, we’ve come to realize that this isn’t a temporary solution. This is another avenue through which the Gospel can reach the nations.”
These virtual trips provide an opportunity for people to work with the team that is abroad and receive training from the U.S.-based team – all online.
“What’s cool about this is, since you’re connecting and interacting with these people abroad, we’re bringing in these elements of the culture there,” Johnston says. “You’ll get to talk with them, hear stories about how things work in that

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
part of the world.”
Johnston says that to keep things fun, they incorporate theme nights related to that country’s culture. For example, the upcoming Athens trip has “make your own Greek meal” or “dress-up” theme nights.
The goal of these trips is to provide evangelism training to both the U.S. team and the group abroad. “As the team [abroad] is going out and sharing the Gospel with people, the US team is encouraged to go into their own neighborhoods, knock on doors, pray for people, and share the Gospel with people. So you’re kind of getting to mirror each other’s actions and then getting to come together and talk about how God is using these efforts to further His kingdom,” he says.
Apart from the physical aspect, these virtual trips still provide experience and are more affordable. Trips can range in price from $1-225 according to their website.
“These virtual trips are unique, they’re new, but we’ve already seen God do amazing things through them,” Johnston says. “I would just encourage people to check them out, sign up for one, and just see how God can use you and work through you even in the midst of all the craziness going on in our world.”
e3 Partners currently has 18 trips planned in 2020, two of which are in the Philippines and Rwanda within the month. They are looking for people to join an evangelical team. Registration can be found on their website.
Featured image by Judit Herbert from Pixabay