Syria (MNN) — Syrian forces responded fiercely following the death of top intelligence leader. General Jama’a Jama’a was gunned down by rebel snipers Friday as the two sides battled for the small, but important city of Deir al-Zor. Dozens of people have been killed.
President of the Crescent Project Fouad Masri is concerned about the 2 1/2 year civil war. “My mom has Syrian background, so I have aunts, uncles and cousins throughout the country. And, we’ve been watching the situation throughout the country for the last 30 months. They’ve been moving from their homes to other areas where it’s safer.”
According to Masri, this war is more about religion — Sunni versus Shiite. That’s why Lebanese fighters are crossing the border to fight.
The official death toll is 115,000, but Masri says it’s much worse than that because the number of missing is astronomical. “That is now at 240,000. So, basically the casualties of the war are more than 300,000.”
While the United Nations and western nations continue to be outspoken about the war, Masri says the real issue is hate, which is spiritual. “Jesus says if you hate your brother it’s like you’ve killed them. If you hate someone, you will do something to hurt that person. If you harbor hate, harboring that hate will give birth to murder.” He adds, “If you don’t solve the issue of the heart, then nothing works.”
According to Masri there are incredible opportunities to share Christ with Muslims worldwide. “Jesus says, ‘you are the light of the world.’ Jesus is asking us to shine our light. Today, more than ever, Muslims see that they are in darkness. Muslims for the first time, they are asking questions.”
Many Muslims are now living in the west because of the violence in the Middle East. Unfortunately, Christians don’t know how to share Jesus with them. That’s why the Crescent Project is offering a program called, The Oasis Conference in Dallas, Texas to help equip Christians to share Christ with Muslims. Click here for information and to register.
The Oasis Conference is being held at 121 Community Church in Grapevine, Texas October 31-November 2. Click here to find out more about the conference and how you can register. https://www.crescentproject.org/index.cfm/pageid/1492/index.html
However, many of you can’t attend the conference. Masri has written a book called, Ambassadors To Muslims. The book provides you with the information you need to share Christ more effectively with Muslims. You can buy the e-book by clicking here.
Mission Network News will have more on the conference on Wednesday. Then, Friday, we’ll take a detailed look at the book and how it can help you share your faith with Muslims and give you the confidence you need to be effective.