Philippines (MNN) — Last year, the Banwaon tribe in the Philippines gave a portion of their rice harvest to a neighboring tribe, knowing they would come up lacking before the next rice harvest. The neighboring tribe was suffering with cholera.
New Tribes Mission reported that God's provision has made itself clear to the Banwaon people. People around the world sent rice so that they would not starve before the next harvest. In addition, this year's rice crops are plentiful.
Some of the Banwaons are building new rice storage buildings because their old ones just don't have enough room.
Most encouraging is that they look healthy. Usually by this time of year, they are thin
from all the harvest work and dwindling food supplies. Chris, an NTM missionary wrote, "God has made the difference…. The rice has lasted and they have been able to keep some weight on and stay somewhat healthier."
The primary chief of the tribe even shared with Chris his thankfulness for God's provision and for the blessing of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who were able to send them extra rice.
This was a demonstration for the Banwaon people of the family of God at work, fulfilling its mission.