Venezuela (MNN) — Gas prices have fallen compared to levels a year ago. While that’s good news for the West, it doesn’t bode well for people in countries like Venezuela. This oil-dependent nation’s inflation rate could soar to 200% by the end of the year. The 50% drop in oil prices in the past year has created an economic collapse and forced the nation it to reduce imports, exacerbating shortages of everything from shampoo to beef.
President of World Missionary Press Harold Mack says Venezuelans are “very desperate and hurting, and they’re just extremely hungry for God’s Word.”
World Missionary Press prints and sends Bibles all around the world for free. Mack says, “In our 53+ years of ministry, we’ve sent [Scripture] into 210 countries and islands around the world. And we’ve printed Scripture in 343 different languages.”
Mack tells us this can be a challenge. “We have so many requests from around the world for large quantities for Scripture booklets; we’re always several months to a year behind from being able to supply all of those Scriptures around the world.”
Mack says because of the economic issues in Venezuela, their country coordinator is requesting two container loads of New Testaments. “Each container of New Testaments would include 76,800 New Testaments. A contribution of $26.40 would sponsor a box of 30 New Testaments for Venezuela.”
Your financial support is more than physical. “Giving people God’s Word…has an eternal effect on them. It changes their lives forever. We get testimonies all the time from all over the world about how people’s lives are changed because of God’s Word. It’s so powerful.”
Click here to make a difference in the lives of Venezuelans who need God’s Word.