China/Burma (MNN) — According to Voice of the Martyrs USA, more Christians are imprisoned in China than in any other country, and persecution has increased for five consecutive years. Of the 516 people groups in China, 428 are unreached by the Gospel.
But since it is illegal to possess Bibles unapproved by the Chinese government, believers have to smuggle God's Word into the country.
That's exactly what Vision Beyond Borders plans to do in two upcoming short-term mission trips. And they're asking you to help.
"The more people that we have, obviously the more Bibles we're able to get across the borders, and the more provision we're able to carry in to the orphanages," said Vision Beyond Borders' Dyann Romeijn.
Romeijn is leading a trip to distribute Bibles in China and minister to orphans in Burma during the beginning weeks of December. Another VBB team will distribute the Gospel in China and surrounding restricted nations.
"Our purpose is to try and get Bibles to the churches," Romeijn explained. "They're in such need of Bibles, and we thought, 'What better gift to give them at Christmastime than the gift of the Word of God?'
"Since this will be the last trip before Christmas," she added, "it's very important to get as much as we can in and bless them at Christmastime."
According to Romeijn, VBB trips often turn into a blessing for the servants, as well as those served.
"The trips are just as much for us–the people who go–as they are for the people we go to serve," said Romeijn. "Often we go to minister, but in doing that, we're often ministered to."
Pray that God would raise up more workers for the spiritual harvest. Pray that teams would make it safely through the borders in December.
"Pray that the customs agents' eyes would be blinded and that the teams would be able to pass through with the Bibles and get them where they're needed," Romaijn said.
You can click here to apply for one of these trips. Or, call Vision Beyond Borders at (406) 587-2321 and ask for Andy, VBB's trip coordinator.