SE Asia (MNN) ― Ministry in a Southeast Asia red-light district is expanding.
Vision Beyond Borders is battling sex trafficking in Nepal and India through safe houses and salon ministries. One of their contacts recently expanded her ministry to include a medical camp.
This VBB partner gave medical care to women and brothel owners, and shared the Gospel. Many women are now coming back for follow-up care and prayer. In addition, VBB’s cohort got a chance to share Christ with two eunuchs she spent several months praying for.
Pray this new branch of ministry will bring many out of trafficking and to the Lord.
Along with operating the medical camp, VBB’s contact was able to meet with and encourage some of rescued women living in transitional homes. Another group of women she ministers to have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior; they’re also making decisions to leave the sex trade.Pray that as they turn to Him, these captives will find true freedom.
Plans are moving forward for kids in the red-light district, too. Funding is needed for a children’s hostel, which will provide safe haven and an education. Pray for committed people to come and represent Christ to these young ones.
For two decades, VBB has fought sex trafficking in Southeast Asia, and they continue making gains for the Kingdom of God in this region.
Learn more about VBB’s Vision For Women ministry and how you can come alongside their efforts.