Palestine (MNN) — U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has called for an independent investigation into the killing of Palestinian Christian and journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. Her death caused international outrage last month.
Several media sources and rights groups say an Israeli gunman killed her. The Israeli government says it has not reached a conclusion about what happened.
But the incident took place in Palestinian territory, says Jack Sara, President of the Bethlehem Bible College (BBC). “Just imagine a crime happening somewhere near the border between Canada and the U.S., on the U.S. side. [An investigation] would be done by the country or by the ruling government that is on the ground there.”

People gathered to hear the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference at BBC. (Photo courtesy of the Bethlehem Bible College on Facebook)
Christ as the Checkpoint
Sara encourages listeners to visit Palestinian territory and see the conditions for themselves. “The Israeli army is an occupation in the West Bank, and they have the upper hand. Their existence in the West Bank is illegal. Nobody’s talking about it, sadly, because people don’t see things from the ground here.”
Many Christian tourists spend as little as five hours on the Palestinian side of the wall.
That’s the focus of the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference, recently held at BBC. Sara says, “We’re asking people to really see the Palestinians and Israelis in the same lens, using the same criticism they use against the Palestinians, towards the Israelis.”
“The Church, sadly, because of certain theologies, politics, or propaganda, sometimes also takes positions.”
The conference featured several different speakers talking about the things Palestinians experience in occupied territory. See a video about the event here.
One speaker, Dr. Muncher Isaac, said the solution to these troubles will not come through big events, but through the Kingdom of God. He said, “Hope is like the small mustard seed. It is our hope that this conference is just one of many small mustard seeds.”
Pray for peace in Palestinian territory.
The header photo shows the podium used in the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference at BBC. (Photo courtesy of Bethlehem Bible College on Facebook)