USA (MNN/InterVarsity) — Barna Research just released a study highlighting the most Bible-minded and least Bible-minded cities in the United States.
It's a study that's been answered by thousands of Bible studies that are breaking out across the country. Among the challenges of Urbana 12, the InterVarsity Student Missions conference, 8,153 participants made a commitment to lead an Evangelistic Bible Study (EBS).
As classes get underway following winter break, "It's exciting to know that thousands of college students are leading many of their friends into new relationships with God through Bible study," said InterVarsity Evangelism Director Terry Erickson.
For those who decided to lead an EBS, Study Guides were made available at Urbana 12. The studies focus on passages from the Gospel of Luke.
Additionally, InterVarsity has made training resources available on their Web site, and a Facebook page has been created for those leading the Bible Studies to share their stories.
On this Facebook page, one student told of sending handwritten invitations to the Bible study to all 27 girls in her hall. Another student invited the entire drum line of his school's band, while another is inviting her sorority sisters.
Bible study has been an InterVarsity distinctive throughout its more than 70-year history in the U.S., and it remains so. InterVarsity's Bible Studies Web page had 2300 hits just in the past month. InterVarsity is a campus ministry with chapters on 575 campuses, from the Ivy League to community colleges.
Pray for those who are leading Bible studies. Ask God to give the leaders wisdom. Pray that many people will come to know Christ through these Bible studies.