Spain (MNN) — The economy in Spain has been one of the
fastest growing in the European Union (EU) in recent years, but its
unemployment rate is still nearly eight percent. One-fifth of the 45 million
people in Spain are considered poor. It's also a hot spot for immigrants,
seeking a better life.
Missionaries Chris and Anita Anderson with Greater Europe
Mission are reaching out to them. Chris says, "We're working at a place
called Mission Urbana in Valencia. It's basically the heart of the city. And,
this is a mission to the poor, homeless, widows and immigrants, mainly."
Chris and Anita have been working with Mission Urbana for 18
months. Anita tells us why they decided to join this ministry. "10
evangelical churches are cooperating to send 90 volunteers to send food and
clothing. The second thing that drew us there, before every session where we
help the people, we have a devotional led by one of the volunteers."
While the physical needs are met by providing breakfast and
lunch each day, they also offer youth activities on Monday and a "Group
Encounter" Bible study on Wednesday.
The Andersons have needs. Anita says they need funding for
Gospel tracts. "We have people coming in from all over Europe — Eastern
Europe, Western Europe and many times we can not speak their language, so
therefore with the Gospel tracts and all the different languages, but because
we can't speak with some of them, we can give them Gospel tracts so they can
take them with them and read the message of God's love."
Because their busting at the seams, Anita says, "The
big need is a new building to expand. The other thing is sometimes there are
not enough funds for food. In the winter we need funds for blankets, socks and
underwear for the people. Those are some of the main needs."
The ministry is quickly becoming a place for recruiting
church members. "When they come to know Christ, we plug them in to one of
those 10 churches that support Mission Urbana. We want to plug them in to a
church so they can be discipled and grow in their faith."
Pray that many people will catch the vision for this
ministry and as they help, they'll enable many to hear the Gospel.