India (MNN) — Do you have a passion for India? Then an upcoming trip might be for you, says Donna Glass with India Partners.
"Our vision is an India full of hope, justice, and the compassion of Christ," says Glass. "If they (listeners) feel that in their heart, then we want them on our trip."
On June 28, India Partners is going to visit a cohort, the Agape Rehabilitation Center (ARC). Since its inception, ARC has served over 600 people, providing computer training free of charge. ARC's training includes specialized courses for people with all kinds of physical handicaps.
The team will arrive right after students complete their government exams and can help ARC students prepare for their graduation in mid-July.
"We are going to help them by doing some mock interviews, give suggestions on how to present themselves and how to answer with confidence," Glass says.
Disabled individuals face significant challenges in India, where many consider them a shame.
"They are shunned and hidden away. The justice isn't there; they're not given an equal shot," says Glass. "They have rights as human beings and fellow Indian citizens to go out and secure good jobs with good pay."
India's constitution doesn’t protect disabled people from discrimination, observed the U.S. State Department in a human rights report issued earlier this month. Reports say India has struggled to pass a Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act (RPwD) since 2011.
You can help show the love of Christ to India's disabled. Sign up for the trip by contacting India Partners.
Pray for safety for the team's travels. Pray that many will see the love of Jesus through team members.
"Pray that God's blessing and Spirit is upon the team, and upon all who we encounter."