W. Africa (MNN) — What started as prayer for an unreached people group, is now a ministry to an unreached people group.
More than a decade ago, a Southern Baptist Church in Maryland began praying that God would send missionaries to reach the Fulakunda people in West Africa, who number about two million. Scott and Julie Bradford were the answer to those prayers. They’ve been serve among the Fulakunda since 2003 and now they have some great news.
According to the Southern Baptist International Mission Board , the Lord is opening doors to share the gospel through everyday interaction. Scott says, “God has recently opened work for us in two Fulakunda villages, and we are discipling a new believer who will be leading the work there.”
The Fulakunda traditionally were nomadic herdsmen. In recent times, though, many have settled into towns and villages-primarily in Guinea Bissau and in southern Senegal, where the Bradfords now live. They are overwhelmingly Muslim-with a strong mixture of animism and superstition. Local religious leaders, tribal traditions and fear of evil spirits dominate the spiritual landscape. Fewer than 50 Fulakunda people follow Jesus Christ as Lord, Scott estimates.
Young Fulakunda men are more willing to listen to new ideas. Older men, steeped in Islam and tradition, are harder to reach. Since they’re an oral culture most Fulakuda love stories. That’s presenting every day opportunities to share the Gospel.
Pray that God will increase the work among the Fulakunda so that a church planting movement will break out among them. Bradford says if this happens it could spread like wildfire across the African Continent.