Unknown Nations trains and equips Yemeni Christians

By June 11, 2024

Yemen (MNN) — The Houthis and an ongoing civil war may bring the most attention to Yemen on the global stage. However, Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations says Yemen’s spiritual need remains overlooked and unknown by most churches today.

“[There are] over 34 million people inside Yemen, and most of them have never heard the Gospel, so we need Yemen to be a priority,” Kelley says.

The problem is that “Yemen is one of the [most] challenging mission fields today. Because of the civil war and the instabilities, it’s difficult to get aid to the places it’s ultimately needed.”

Plus, religious challenges abound. Following Jesus and sharing the Gospel are forbidden in Yemen; these are crimes punishable by death.

Even so, a small number of Yemeni believers live out their faith in utmost secrecy. How do they follow Christ’s instructions in the Great Commission to “go and make disciples”? Training from Unknown Nations helps.

“We can’t just show up [in] Yemen on an airplane. We have to use beachheads like Egypt,” Kelley says.

“We train Yemenis [in] places like Egypt, and they are going into Yemen raising up leaders, making disciples, or distributing our solar-powered audio Bible in the local language.”

Pray for clear, biblical dreams, visions, and revelations to draw Yemeni people to Jesus. Pray that the Lord will send more workers into His harvest in Yemen.

One of Yemen’s largest unreached people groups “is Yemeni Arabs, 15 million people who are 0.00 percent Christian. The number of workers needed is 300. That’s just for one single people group,” Kelley says.




Header image is a screenshot from Prayercast | Yemen.

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