Colombia (INN/MNN) — International Needs works in Colombia with community of people who are beloved by God, but who are living in desperate circumstances. Here is a look at what life is like for one of their sponsored children.
Life in La Playa
Imagine that you are a six-year-old child living in Colombia. It’s early in the morning, your mother has left for work, and you are home alone. You get yourself ready for the day–ignoring the rumble of hunger in your stomach, and head out the door for the 30-minute walk to school. Several of your classmates are headed out also, so you have some company on the road. The area you live in is called “La Playa,” and it is just outside of Barranquilla. There are over 10,000 people living in La Playa who have been displaced by conflicts in Colombia. Like most people here, you live in a make-shift home, sleeping on a dirt floor. The community is very transitional, so your family might move away in a few months.
Rose of Sharon
Your day at the Rose of Sharon school begins at 6:30AM with devotions in the church located on the school property, and classes begin at 7AM.
During the day you have a snack, work on your school work, and learn about the love of God. The school curriculum is government approved, so you know you are getting a quality education that can help you with your future. Your school day is done at 12:30PM and you will walk back home again with your friends to an empty house.
Sewing Center
While you were at school, your mom was at the International Needs sewing center, working hard to provide for you. The sewing center began as a vocational training project but has grown into a business as mission opportunity to support the single moms in La Playa by giving them a purpose, improving their lives, and helping them better support their families. Sewing center staff members also share the Gospel with the women who work there and consider this evangelism as the main objective of the sewing center.
New Uniforms
One of their recent projects was to sew new uniforms for all the children and staff at Rose of Sharon school. Today, all of the school kids have a beautiful new uniform, which helps their self-esteem and gives them something to wear to school each day.
If your heart is drawn to Colombia and you would like to help families in poverty, click here to see how you can support the community of La Playa or sign up to sponsor a child from Colombia.