Iran (MNN) — It's been months since Iranian husband and wife Arash Kermajani and Arezoo Teymouri were released from prison, but the couple continues to faces danger and harassment.
Voice of the Martyrs reports that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has now stepped in and will be resettling the couple to a safer nation.
The Christian couple was arrested in 2010. According to VOM, the secret police burst in while the couple was watching a movie at another Christian couple's home. They were sent to a secret prison, where they remained for eight months.
"They did not inflict any physical torture on my body, but [they] did not for a second stop their psychological tortures. They ridiculed and debased me at every opportunity. Whenever I spoke of my Christian beliefs, they imitated, ridiculed, and laughed at me," Teymouri told Farsi Christian News Network.
Teymouri added, "Their attacks did not have any effect on my resolve to trust in our Lord Jesus Christ and to reconcile myself to the fact that He will protect his flock."
Extremists tried to pressure the couple to confess that they were acting against the government, but the duo did not give in.
"After eight months, I guess they realized they were wrong about us and caught on the fact that we are but simple witnesses to Christ," Kermajani told FCNN. The extremists released the couple without any notice, apparently finished with them.
That was in April. Since then, the couple has been far from safe. Even on the way from the prison, the couple's hired car was surrounded by motorcycles, whose riders were throwing bricks.
Although the couple has expressed a wish to remain in Iran and spread the Gospel there, the UN has stepped in for their relocation for their safety. The two intend to serve the Lord wherever they end up.
Keep praying for this faithful pair. To learn more about them, click here.