Ukraine churches and military seek to fill gaps as war wearies nation

By March 20, 2024

Ukraine (MNN) — Low on manpower and ammunition, Ukraine tries desperately to fill its ranks. Ukraine’s parliament is debating a bill to expand the draft pool, partly by lowering the eligibility age from 27 to 25.

The war is taking a heavy toll on ministry in Ukraine. According to the Russian Baptist Union, “15 percent of the pastors have left the country with their families, and another 15 percent are working either as chaplains or have been enlisted to fight on the front lines,” Slavic Gospel Association’s Eric Mock says.

“As much as 30 percent of the pastors, church leaders, [and] ministry leaders are fighting or were displaced.”

Mock is flying into Ukraine this week to speak at a national conference. He will be speaking to war-weary congregations about the indivisible Church.

“There’s an effort to raise 1,000 missionary pastors, something they believe will take seven to 10 years to accomplish. It’s a gargantuan task; we’ve begun training in multiple regions,” Mock says.

“They recognize they can’t do it alone. It takes God’s Church from shore to shore and from every group on the planet to work together side by side for the sake of the Gospel.”

Help Ukrainian churches and sign up for regular updates through SGA here. Ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers.

“Ukraine was and continues to be the Bible Belt, with more churches per capita than almost any nation on that continent. They have been raised up for such a time as this,” Mock says.

“Please pray that God raises additional leaders ready to shepherd and guide the flock.”



Header and story images courtesy of Slavic Gospel Association.

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