Uganda (MNN) — Although there was great hope for peace in
Uganda following the 2006 ceasefire, for those displaced by war, that hope has been
stillborn. There's security on paper, and the government is pushing people to go
home. But for the thousands of refugees, there's nothing to return home
The whole infrastructure of former villages has been
destroyed. People don't want to return to their villages because there is
little access to clean water, education, health facilities, access roads, and there's
little food security.
According to Every Child Ministries' report, as of last summer, roughly 5% of
those in the camps had returned home. In practical terms, it looks like
the IDP camps will continue to be a reality in the lives of most of this
generation of children.
ECM's Lorella Rouster says the children
suffer the most. One of the neediest,
most neglected camps, the Tegotatoo (Teh-goh-tah-too) camp, was
selected. "We are sending teams to some of the resettlement areas
with short-term medical mission help."
A whole generation has missed out on their
childhood. Rouster says it's vital that these
children have sponsors so they can have a future. The partner church selected 41 of the
neediest of the children they were working with for this program. Those who get sponsored will attend school and
get supplemental nutrition and medical care.
More importantly, Rouster says, "When
we have children sponsored, they attend a weekly meeting. They always hear the Gospel at that club meeting, so they are learning what Christ can do for them. They're learning that He can forgive them, and that they, having received
forgiveness, can reach out and extend that forgiveness to others."
It costs just $30 to sponsor a Ugandan orphan through ECM. If you can help, click here.