Uganda (MNN)–The Ugandan government is confident peace talks with the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels will put an end to a 20-year insurgency. The war exacerbated the country’s orphan problem.
Global Aid Network’s Tim Burns says their team just arrived this week and began working with the children at the Noah’s Ark Children’s Home. “They’ve got up to 40 children in this home, so they’re helping minister to those kids. They’re also going out into the area, partnering with local pastors, and ministering in the schools there.”
The shelter wants to reach out to the community not only providing shelter, but also providing basic non-food items, counseling, rehabilitation, basic public health training, child tracking, and family reunions.
In addition, they are creating to create awareness in the community about morals and building peace. That’s a heavy load for the team, but they have been busy.
Shortly after their arrival, Burns says the team took advantage of an amazing opportunity on Wednesday, November 8. “They were able to share the Gospel with 380 children at a local school. So, it’s a time of ministry and focus on evangelism.”
Burns says any time they go into an area, they work with local missionaries and pastors who can disciple. “In these areas where we’re able to go into the schools and share the Gospel we’ve got local pastors there that are able to come in and continue to follow up with these children.”
From this groundfloor relationship, Burns says they see more growth. “In fact, sometimes we’re able to help open the doors for those pastors to go to those schools in the first place.”
The team heads back home on Saturday, November 18. Ongoing needs for support exist as more orphans are found. Click here if you want to help a Ugandan war orphan.