Palestine (MNN) — And the Biden administration has resumed diplomatic relations with Palestine. The move signals support for a two-state solution. The administration also restored aid to the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, which exists to support Palestinian refugees.
Dr. Jonathan Kuttab is a leading human rights lawyer on the board of Bethlehem Bible College. He contrasts this policy against that of the Trump administration. “The [previous] US administration cut off and closed the diplomatic offices of the Palestinian Authority in Washington. They moved the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. And they closed off the Palestinian section of that embassy. The new administration is reversing that. At least they are allowing new contacts with the Palestinian Authority, though not with Hamas and Gaza.”
The witness of Palestinian Christians
Palestinian Christians want to see Israelis and Palestinians live together in peace and equality. That doesn’t happen very often, and the COVID-19 vaccine distribution situation in Israel and Palestine shows it. Israel has been one of the world’s most successful countries in vaccinating. But Kuttab says, “They are refusing to give vaccination to the Palestinians. And we have no ability to obtain them on our own because we are not recognized as a country.” Read more about the situation here.
Kuttab talks about the witness of Bethlehem Bible College in this context. “We have to deal with our own community, the majority of which are Muslims. We have a very good relationship in that community and a very good reputation. At the same time, we have to deal with the Israeli occupation. Even though we are pacifists, and we don’t believe in violence, we care about justice. So we’re trying to be a small candle in this very dark situation.”
Please join these believes as they pray for peace, justice, and love.
The header photo comes courtesy of Bethlehem Bible College on Facebook.