Iran (MNN) — U.S. intelligence warns lawmakers of Iran’s retaliation against Israel, which could take shape in the coming days. One official says Iran could strike Israel directly, while another points to Israeli diplomatic facilities as potential targets.
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei vowed to punish Israel for last week’s attack in Syria, which killed two top Revolutionary Guard commanders.
Transform Iran’s Lana Silk says, “I don’t see that it’s really in Iran’s interest right now to be engaging Israel in all-out war. Because if Israel and Iran get into a direct fight now, then naturally, the world is going to support Israel.”
Israel is becoming isolated in global politics because of recent events in Gaza, she continues.
“Iran would find it in their interest to allow that situation to play out rather than find Israel rallying the troops and everyone coming together with Iran as a common enemy,” Silk says.

In a Wednesday sermon, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei vowed to punish Israel for last week’s attack in Syria, which killed two top Revolutionary Guard commanders.
(Wikimedia Commons)
Iran already faces a crumbling economy and division within its ranks.
“The ayatollahs created the Revolutionary Guard, but now the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has become a threat, potentially, to the ayatollahs; maybe even more than Israel or America,” Silk says.
“There is a rumor circulating in Iran today that it’s the ayatollahs or their cronies that have been giving up intelligence for the locations of some of these high-ranking Revolutionary Guard generals to slightly weaken that organization.”
We can’t fix Iran, but we know the God who holds this country in His hands. Let’s ask Him to have mercy on the Iranian people.
“We must be praying. Our prayers are powerful; the Word of God tells us that,” Silk says.
“Let’s be constantly thinking, ‘Lord, I want to see the people of Iran saved, I want them to find hope in You.’”
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Header image depicts ominous shadows over Iran’s capital city, Tehran. (Photo courtesy of Amir Housseini/Unsplash)