Middle East/North Africa (MNN) — Will Ukraine take priority over crises in the Middle East and North Africa? See our full coverage of the Ukraine crisis here.
Speaking to the United Nations Security Council midweek, U.N. chief António Guterres warned members not to forget millions in need across the MENA.
“It’s crazy time we’re going through,” MENA Leadership Center’s Fadi Sharaiha says.
“Something is boiling; something is going to happen, and people have no clue what will happen.”
Some 20 million people in Yemen need immediate humanitarian aid and protection. More than a decade of war has left Syria in ruins. Plus, people throughout the region are “not sure about their daily bread,” Sharaiha says.
“Forty percent of wheat coming from Russia and Ukraine goes to the MENA, which means that bread prices will go high. Next month is Ramadan, where Muslims pray and fast the whole month. Usually, prices go up during this month, and this is without the Ukrainian thing.”
Political uncertainty leaves many on edge. “Russia is a major player in the MENA, especially in Syria,” Sharaiha says.
“Their (Russia’s) relationship with Iran and Iraq is also being affected because we never know what could happen. Even in Saudi [Arabia] and the UAE, now [there is uncertainty because] they did not answer the U.S. calls to raise the oil production.”
MENA Leadership Center equips Gospel workers to respond. You can help by sponsoring a leader in training. Pray those who feel forgotten by the world will know the Lord sees them.
“Please pray for people in the MENA, especially refugees. We have so many Christian refugees or asylum seekers.”
As the Syria crisis enters its eleventh year, the humanitarian situation is more difficult than ever. More than half of the population remains displaced from their homes – including 5.6 million refugees living in neighboring countries and more than 6.9 million internally displaced inside Syria.
(Photo courtesy of Ahmed akacha/Pexels)