Philippines (BGR/MNN) — Please take a moment to praise God with us that the recent typhoon in the Philippines did far less damage than Typhoon Haiyan. Baptist Global Response updates:
Forecasters originally classified Typhoon Hagupit as a “super” typhoon, and many worried that it would follow the same path as Haiyan last year. However, when the storm hit on Dec. 6, it weakened as it moved over the country, according to news reports, and it moved north of areas destroyed in the previous storm.
Christian workers in the area even said the reconstruction projects on which Baptist volunteers recently worked withstood the typhoon just fine.
However, Hagupit still caused damage.
At the moment, BGR rapid assistance teams are making their way through the current aftermath, assessing damage and responding to needs with emergency supplies such as food, water, and other necessities. These teams are comprised of experienced and trained people, and BGR isn’t currently seeking U.S. volunteer teams to support recovery efforts.
We ask you to pray for both Hagupit survivors and families still struggling to rebuild their lives from last year’s typhoon. Please pray tthat BGR’s teams will be able to see and interpret situations, discern the Holy Spirit’s direction, and know where and how to begin disaster relief.
You can help BGR respond to disaster needs by donating to the Disaster Response Fund here. Ask God to reveal Himself to both BGR workers and the Filipinos through this extended time of recovery.