Suriname (MNN) — The world is more connected today than ever before. Yet despite the technology and resources many possess, thousands of people groups remain categorized as unreached. This means very few people, or none at all, identify as Christians.
TWR is expanding its ministry into Suriname to help shrink this number. Lauren Libby of TWR explains why they decided to begin broadcasting radio programs to unreached tribes in the South American country.
“About 30-35 years ago, a group of missionaries went in, and in one of the tribes [everyone] became believers,” he says. “[That tribe] is really interested in spreading the Good News of Jesus throughout Northern Brazil and into Suriname, particularly where the native populations are. One of the tools that they’re looking at is radio.”

(Photo courtesy of TWR via Facebook)
Overcoming Obstacles
The challenges for presenting the Gospel to unreached people groups vary. With people groups in Suriname, location is itself an obstacle.
“There are tribes that they’re just now finding [in Suriname],” Libby says. “We’re looking at the process of putting an FM radio station on the air in Suriname. It would cover a large area, and be able to reach the tribes.”
The tribe TWR is partnering with remains committed to securing radios for these people groups even though COVID-19 brought heartache and obstacles.
“The leader of the church in this particular tribe died of the coronavirus, but it mobilized the tribe. They’re more committed to reaching out right now than they were just 3 or 4 weeks ago. God is using this. We’d like to be able to be a part of that and put an FM radio station there so people can hear the Good News about Jesus,” Libby says.
International Day for the Unreached
These people groups in Suriname demonstrate the need for organizations and believers to collaborate to reach the groups around the world who have never heard about Jesus. TWR is a member of the Alliance for the Unreached, which sponsors the International Day for the Unreached (next occurrence May 25, 2021). Libby explains the purpose of this alliance and the consequent initiative.
“The whole organization is about is educating people. There are still unreached people groups out there. I hear people have been counting down how many people groups [are left]. Most people define a people group [as] at least a million people with a common language, but then you get down to these subgroups. That’s where it really begins to get complicated,” he says.

(All photos courtesy of TWR)
“An organization like this brings awareness. There’s still a big world out there. A lot of people need to hear about Jesus. There are tribes that don’t have the foggiest idea who Jesus is.”
Get Involved
You can get involved and help reach people groups with the Gospel in a few ways. Follow the missions and ministries of organizations dedicated to spreading the Gospel to those who have never heard it. Libby highlights the importance of prayer and encourages those who are able to give to TWR and other ministries like the Alliance for the Unreached who share the Good News. Visit the website here for additional information and resources.
Header image courtesy of Allef Vinicius via Unsplash