South America (TWR/MNN) — For global fans of contemporary Christian music, it’s a perfect match: bilingual recording artist Evan Craft teaming up with Trans World Radio’s (TWR) multilingual media portal TWR360 to produce a video series.
Premiering exclusively this week on twr360.org and radio, TWR360 Presents The Soul of Song With Evan Craft pairs the Dove Award nominee with collaborating composer and keyboardist Abraham Osorio to discuss and perform their songs while offering viewers words of heartfelt encouragement. Recorded in an intimate, easygoing TWR studio setting in English and Spanish, the 12-episode video series features popular tunes like “Yo Soy Segundo,” “Arde en Mi” and “Mira Sus Manos.”
To access the English landing page for the series, go to twr360.org/evan-craft. Spanish speakers should go to www.rtm360.org/ElAlma.

(Logo courtesy of TWR)
The YouTube video of the song that Craft and Osorio review and perform in the first TWR360 episode, titled “Beauty of Grace” (“Gracia Incomparable”), has already received 32 million views. Craft’s video channel recently won recognition from YouTube for surpassing the 1 million-subscriber mark.
A native of Southern California, Craft is a fast-rising sensation on the Latin American music scene, his album Yo Soy Segundo reaching No. 1 on Billboard among Latin Christian albums in the U.S. The title song from the album was written for the international I Am Second multimedia movement. Craft began playing the guitar at age 12 and studied Spanish in college, Spain and Costa Rica.
David Creech, TWR360 marketing and operations manager, is also executive producer of the project. He said the collaboration with Craft is an excellent vehicle for accomplishing important goals of the ministry and its parent organization, TWR.
“We’ve been challenged as an organization to reach the next generation,” Creech said. “And this is a next-generation Spanish program for teens, 20-somethings and even 30-somethings to have a devotional podcast that’s relatable, that they can get excited about and where they can hear the Word of God and be encouraged.”
TWR is excited to see what is in store for this new ministry venture. They are trusting God to use it for His glory.

(Photo courtesy of TWR)
“Because Evan Craft and the duo partner that’s in the series, Abraham Osorio, are so popular among Spanish Christians in particular, our hope is that it just opens up a whole new audience for our platform for this next generation…. We’re hoping this will start a trend in getting even more people around the world exposed to the biblical media that we offer!”
Offering popular original and unique content also helps tboost a website’s rankings, Creech added. Higher rankings mean that more internet users will be introduced to the abundant audio, video and text content available on TWR360, where visits are already exceeding 1 million each month.
“It’s all about getting the Gospel out around the world through biblical media,” Creech said, “so this is good for everybody involved.”
Launched Dec. 3, 2018, the 12 episodes — two videos in English and 10 in Spanish — are being released on a synchronized, one-per-week basis with audio versions on radio. These are being broadcast across Latin America and the Caribbean from TWR’s Shine 800 AM station on Bonaire and in cooperation with TWR national partners.
TWR360 turned to visual-media ministry TWR MOTION to produce the videos. They were shot during July 2018 in the studios at the TWR Americas office in Cary.
As the project moves forward, Creech asked, “Join us in prayer that many more people, especially younger people — teens, 20-somethings, even 30-somethings — will be exposed to this program and see it as a gateway to other very deep and rich biblical content that TWR and TWR360.org offer. We are a multilingual platform, we are very international, and we have 68 languages translated on the side with content in all of those languages. So there is really something for just about everyone around the world and we are adding more languages every day.”
Header photo courtesy of TWR.