TWR to reach Africa’s unreached with new radio transmitter

By January 14, 2005

Benin (MNN/TWR) — The church in West Africa desperately needs sound biblical teaching and the means to reach the lost within this vast geographic area.

According to Operation World nearly half of West Africa’s 241 million people belong to a religion other that Christianity. Additionally, most of these nations have numerous unreached people groups without an established indigenous evangelical church.

According to Trans World Radio , one of the most effective, cost-efficient ways to share Christ’s love in this region is radio.

Having secured property in Benin, TWR is moving ahead with construction of the facility that will house a high-powered AM transmitter and include additional space for shortwave transmitters. The goal is to be on the air by November 2005. Please prayerfully consider how God might use you to help make this critical project a reality.

Funding and prayer are need for this project. Go to their web site to help.

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