International (MNN) — Sometimes, it’s easy to think being a part of international ministry means knowing the language or having years of biblical training. But according to Rick Weston of Trans World Radio, there’s a lot more to missions than you’d expect, and you might be able to play a larger part than you thought.

(Photo courtesy of Trans World Radio)
“These are the types of people out there, and I was one of them, who are sitting in a congregation and thinking, well, it’s nice these people can serve in ministry. How can God use my skills? Well, I’m here to tell you He can, and we’re looking for people like that,” explains Weston.
According to Weston, there are plenty of ways to be a part of many different ministries.
“We’re looking for people who can work on antennas, people with management skills, we’re looking for engineers, we’re looking for finance and accounting people, maintenance technicians, graphic designers, people that can work in HR as recruiters and member care specialists, mechanics, station managers.”

(Photo courtesy of Trans World Radio)
And those are just a few examples of ways people can help. If you want to find more specifics about how many have already gotten involved, Trans World Radio has a new video series that tells the stories of a few unlikely missionaries.
“They really show…people with pretty common skills who are needed in the ministry really have an impact on listeners to our programs around the world, and those people can be really instrumental at reaching people for Christ,” says Weston.
Trans World Radio also wants to work with local churches so they can better use trips and resources the church may already have established.
“There is such a broader opportunity for churches to partner with organizations such as ourselves, that we can expand and multiply ministry when we work together, rather than being isolated.”

(Photo courtesy of Trans World Radio)
Pray about the part you could play in the global mission field.
“If you’ve got two months to give or a lifetime to give or anything in between, there are missions agencies out there, including ourselves, that can use you. If your skills are clerical or mechanical or whatever they happen to be, God can use that, and God can use that in ministry and in missions,” Weston shares.
“So look, go out there and look, and see who could use your skills.”
I m very much interested in TWR ministry and liked it the work of this organization to propagate the word God through TWR media I WANT TO join with this organization to serve the Lord with zeal that I have for the Jesus and for the lost World