Brazil (MNN) — Investigations and more arrests follow last Sunday’s chaos in Brazil. On Friday, Brazil’s Supreme Court added former President Jair Bolsonaro to its investigation into the Brasilia riot.
Critics accuse capital security forces of supporting the protestors. Authorities arrested one ex-security official and the former head of capital police, Anderson Torres. He reportedly “gutted” the police force before leaving on vacation.
“The conflict in Brazil reflects a climate of instability in a divided country,” Ricardo Kroskinsque with Trans World Radio Brazil says.
“We are praying for the Lord to pacify hearts and encourage leaders in the Brazilian Church to pray for the authorities. We believe they were constituted as a part of God’s plans.”
On January 8, Bolsanaro supporters stormed the presidential palace, Congress, and Supreme Court demanding a coup. “We still have people that don’t agree with this new government, but things are calm right now,” Kroskinsque says.
Brazil’s October election was the tightest race in the country’s history. Political loyalties run deep and keep society fragmented. TWR Brazil endorses a different response.
“We encourage the exercise of meekness and self-control – qualities of the fruit of the Holy Spirit,” Kroskinsque says.
“We’re asking listeners [to pray] for us for wisdom in this process because we need to understand that [the One] who will reign our country is God. We are asking God to do what He wants to do, what He needs to do.”
Header image depicts people at a street party in Brazil. (Photo courtesy of Anna Kapustina/Pexels)