TWR Olympics ministry impact to continue beyond closing ceremony

By August 9, 2024

France (MNN) — The 2024 Summer Olympic Games will have its grand finale with the closing ceremony in Paris on Sunday, August 11. The Paris 2024 website states the closing ceremony will be “marked by audacity, fraternity and emotion” as “athletes from all over the world will represent their countries one last time.”

During the Olympics, Trans World Radio (TWR) and PHARE FM, a network of 20 Christian radio stations across France, have been sharing the Gospel through Christian athlete interviews. But the evangelistic efforts won’t end here.

Paris 2024 Olympic Games (Photo courtesy of Alexandre Aymard/Unsplash)

Cecil with TWR Europe says, “We believe that the impact of the Olympic Games is to be considered, of course, at the national level, but also for its global impact.”

There’s more Olympics fun to come! “We should also think about the Paralympic Games, which are going to take place by the end of August and also the beginning of September,” says Cecil. “So we believe that the content that is being produced by the TWR in partnership with PHARE FM will continue to be impactful during the month of August, and also until the end of the Olympic Games and beyond.”

Looking ahead, TWR is thinking of ways to continue leveraging Olympic Gospel content to reach more audiences.

Cecil explains, “Our partners in the countries where TWR is present — which is more than 80 countries — have teams on the ground who are in charge of doing the follow-ups with the listeners and then propose additional content.”

Pray for those watching or participating in the Olympics to gain the true prize of knowing Christ.

“The main prayer item is to pray for this content to reach people where they are,” says Cecil. “It’s the strength and the power of media that it can go where human beings cannot go sometimes to reach people where they are, that they can hear the stories and give their hearts to Jesus.”






Header photo of Paris 2024 Olympic Games logo. (Photo courtesy of Xavier Praillet/Unsplash)

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