Mozambique (MNN) — As terrorist attacks in Mozambique displace even more people, TWR’s “Hope in the Hard Times” program helps victims find peace in Jesus and connects them with much-needed resources.
Hardship and Heartache
Spiwe, TWR ministry director for Mozambique, explains that the situation in the country continues to get worse.
“Over the past three years, they’ve been increasing attacks and movements into the interior of northern Mozambique. In general, there is a trend to increase the Islamic faith around those areas,” she says.
The attacks this year have been more violent, and the utilization of tactics used by terrorist groups in other countries suggests more connection with both these groups and the Islamic State. These attacks have taken a heavy toll on many of Mozambique’s citizens.

Photo courtesy of Farah Nabil via Unsplash
“Very often they’re attacking ordinary civilians who are not armed,” Spiwe says. “The tendency is for people to try and run. In that process, they lose their basic living needs, like food, clothes, [and] shelter. They leave their home and move to neighboring countries or to neighboring states, which themselves are not ready to absorb the influx.”
The Washington Post reports that this has caused a severe food shortage in the northern part of the country, which is complicated further by COVID-19. However, communities are doing all they can to help those who fled their homes. Spiwe explains that the body of Christ works to do what they can even during these difficult circumstances.
“The people are in a very poor state of food supply. [Believers] share what they have up to a point where they can’t share [anything].”
Powerful Programming
During this time of stress and uncertainty, TWR’s “Hope in Hard Times” offers resources and the peace that can only be found in Jesus.
“The program drives toward giving hope and directing people to Christ,” Spiwe says. “It also includes suggestions from our partners on how to cope with difficult situations. This project is in partnership with other organizations.”

Image courtesy of TWR via Facebook
The program includes psychological and spiritual resources to help listeners navigate their trauma. It also directs listeners to resources they can connect with for additional help.
“When such disasters happen, people need something that [talks] to that deep area of need in their spirit [that] helps them look forward to another day of hope, another day of a possibility,” Spiwe says.
Help for Those Hurting
You can help those suffering in Mozambique by giving to TWR here. Spiwe also asks for prayer.
“One of the best things that we would ask you to pray for is for the few people that are Christians not to give up on Christ. Pray that even during this difficult situation, there could be some rekindled light and burning to help others with whatever they have,” she says. “Pray that we, as TWR, are able to raise the necessary resources to put this program on as many channels as possible, like the widely distributed FM networks in Mozambique, so we can reach as many people as possible.”
“With you praying with us all over the world, and trusting God to provide, we believe [we will] be able to bring some hope and some impact [to] people’s lives.”
Header image courtesy of Scapes by Jana via Unsplash