India (MNN/MNI) — Within 48 hours, two churches in India burned. Grand Rapids-based Mission India shared details in a Facebook post.
The first reported fire took place in a small village. It remains a mystery how the fire started, and police are still investigating. A few families woke up to the smell of smoke and went outside to investigate.
They found the church going up in flames. Alarmed, they doused the fire with water. Thankfully only part of the church was burned in the fire. They were able to replace the damaged roof with a temporary blue tarp to keep out rain and dew.
A pastor named Yamar and his wife have been sharing about Jesus in the community for 10 years. He says, “It’s very heartbreaking, but we trust in the Lord that there’s something better ahead for us.”
1,500 miles away from that site in east India, a second church was also burned.
The following morning after the fire, nothing remained of the building but bits of wood, ashes, carpet rags, and the rubble of what used to be musical instruments.
The pastor of this church oversees a class of Mission India Church Planters who are doing outreach among the families living on the nearby hills.
As violence against Christians is on the rise in India, pray for their safety.
Burnig physical Church, only can satisfy their cruel mentality and can not burn the Church which lives in heart of every Christian.
I ask all the Christian brothers to come as joint group and show our strength.
This is the time of waking up and join the hands to cut every individual hand of culprit working against the Chirstian.
I have formed the Christian Army of India to safe guard each and every Christian and like these incidents.
Pl. join this group and have a awareness with in us.