Turkey (MNN) — Turkey is a country of about 76 million people. Of those, 99.9% of Turkish people are Muslims. Only a fraction of the population reportedly is Christian. That makes this story even more amazing.
According to Turkey Country Director for International Needs Network Behnan Konutgan, the ministry of education has requested him to lead a group of Christians to create Christian curriculum for a religion class for the public schools. “Because Turkey is on its way to joining the [European Union], they have created a new thing for next year. They will have an elective course for the schools for 5, 6, 10, and 11 grades.”
Christian students in the past were required to take Islamic education classes. Konutgan says, “We didn’t expect this, but they want to show Europe that Christians exist in Turkey and [Turkey] loves them, respects them, and we love for them to learn [about their religion].”
The curriculum has been written and submitted to the minister of education. “They promised to print it. This is the first in the history of Turkey. This is wonderful!”
If there are Christians in a public school, they can request Christian classes rather than Islamic one. He say those requests must be honored. “Then the principal will tell us, and we’ll get the teachers. This is wonderful.”
In order for Christians to train their children in the Christian faith, many sent them to a two-week summer camp. “Now, we will train them while in schools. They will give their books to the friends who are interested and talk about that. They will be natural missionaries with their friends,” adds Konutgan.
The first two books for the 5th and 6th grades are waiting to be printed. “If they don’t print these two books, we’re not going to work on the other books. But if they print it and show it, we’ll work on the next two books.”
Konutgan asks you to pray. “Pray that this project will be done. Pray that there would be no people against this project in the ministry of education and that they will accept it and print the books.”
Praying for the success of this project and for a great impact on those who elect this option.
It isn’t surprising. The present Turks were Christians and were forcibly converted by Ottoman Turks. Like the Armenian genocide, thousands of Christians were massacred, thousands were forcibly made Muslims and women were raped, made Muslims and married and children were forcibly taught Islam and made Muslims. The great St. Sophia cathedral of Constantinople (Istanbul) is a living witness to this tragedy.
I fully agree with A.Yeshuratnam. Today’s Muslim Turkey was a prominant Christian land only about a thousand year ago. Muslim’s from the middleeast brutually Islamised and massacred the Christians. Let’s keep praying that God will continue revealing Himself and also the truth to the Turks
This is great news and we will pray that the government does follow through on it’s promise.
Wonderful news! ‘Bible Stories For Big Kids’ is the Old Testament written as a story in a contemporary style for teens and adults and has been well received in Aussie schools.
What wonderful news. Our blessed Lord sure is doing wonderful things around the world. Bless His beautiful name. Thank You Jesus.Thank You Father and thank you Holy Spirit.
May the nations arise and worship the King. May the Lord help us to pray for this is our greatest weapon, through prayers the Lord will stir up those in power including the Turkish ministry of education.
Praise the Lord for His wonderful works in Turkey. Let continue to intercede for this nation for God wants all to be saved and none shall perish.
I cannot hold my tears of joys. For the past few months (about 11 months ago), I have had the ‘Feeling’ to pray for the revival of Christians in the strong Arabic countries, especially Turkey and the Middle east. I feel afraid to do that mostly, because I thought its impossible. I’m ashamed and proud of what I am hearing
But the christian religion is a fake one. Why is Turkey allowing quacks?
It will ruin the country.
Remember your heritage.
Don’t allow these low life rats.
How do you know the Christian religion is a fake one? According to Jesus, the Gospel (which is the foundation of the Christian faith) is the story whereby all people are saved. Jesus, the only perfect human, said that He is the only way to God. Even Islam calls Jesus Holy and perfect. If Muslims believe this, you must believe His words are true. Christianity is that of loving people. Not calling people names, or worse, killing them because they don’t agree with a Christian’s way of thinking. That, perhaps, is why we’re seeing more and more Muslims unhappy with the teaching of Islam, and reading more closely the teachings of Jesus. Why should innocent people have to die on earth simply because they believe in something different? Christians aren’t perfect — but Jesus is. That’s who we should all try to imitate. Thank you for your honest response, Siva. Let me challenge you to read the words of Jesus in the Bible. Islam teaches about Jesus. Perhaps you would have a different understanding of Christians if you really understand who Jesus is and what he taught when he was here on earth. In response to you words about rats — you rightly define ALL of us as human beings. Even on our best day, God views us nothing better than dirty, filthy, bloody rags. But, through Jesus — we’re viewed as heirs. I love that.