Turkey (MNN) — Throughout the past year, Turkey has suffered an intense drought. In 2020, important agricultural regions of the country received just 30 millimeters of precipitation, as opposed to 80 millimeters in 2019.
Joe Willey of SAT-7 USA says, “Recent rain and snow have caused a slight rise in Istanbul’s reservoirs, but it’s still a dangerous situation. Experts in the region say if there isn’t adequate rainfall in the next two to two and a half months, there will be water shortages in the summer.”
SAT-7 coverage
SAT-7 Türk has been covering the drought on its weekly news programs, as well as the show Worldview. Willey says, “Now, the presenters of this program, they not only focused on the drought and its implications for Turkey, but they also looked at the issue from a biblical perspective. They looked at how God has given us the responsibility to care for His creation, and how we have to act in accordance with His word.”
It’s a lesson the global church can tap into, as 2020 brought many catastrophic weather events and natural disasters, from wildfires to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more about the severe 2020 Atlantic hurricane season.
Pray Turkey will see more rainfall, and avoid water shortages this summer. Willey says, “Also pray that Christians would show compassion and wisdom in dealing with others during a difficult time. Because tensions can rise when there are shortages and problems. We ask that you pray Christians would be a great witness for God’s care and His love.”
Header image by alper şimşek from Pixabay.