SE Asia (MNN) — The Great Tsunami of 2004 that killed 300,000 did more than just kill and destroy, it caused many to begin searching — searching for the one who spared their lives. As the massive relief and aid efforts by Christian groups and agencies began, many hearts were opened to hear and receive the Gospel in countries previously resistant to the “God of the Christians.”
While the tsunami hit last December, a wave of the Gospel is still pouring over the area. And now, the “JESUS” Film Project has another tool to help them — The Tsunami Version of the “JESUS” film.
As “JESUS” film teams traveled through the tsunami region, the recurring story they heard was that they saw someone clothed in white and this person was the one who saved them from the grips of death. So, these national “JESUS” film teams decided to put together a Tsunami Version to help explain why God sent His mercy, His love and His followers to meet their needs. It tells why Christians came from so far away and worked so hard to save them. This introduction then invites the viewer to learn about Jesus, the “God of the Christians,” by watching the “JESUS” film in their own language.
As you can imagine the window of opportunity may be limited, but the demands are great. To date “JESUS” film teams, churches and missionaries have requested more than 800,000 copies of “JESUS.” Your gift of $50 can send a video and other tools to introduce “JESUS” to an estimated 200 people. Of these, on average, about 20 indicate a commitment to Christ.
Click on the highlighted link above to contribute.