Sri Lanka (MNN) — The toll of the tsunami is still being realized. We’re all familiar with the death toll, which is now over 150,000. We’re also familiar with the number of homeless. That number is in the millions. But, we’re not hearing much about the orphan rate. We’re still trying to get a handle on that number.
Gospel for Asia’s KP Yohannan says he’s got the number of orphaned in Sri Lanka and has also assessed how their ministry was impacted by the disaster. “Some 10,000 children are left orphaned. And, tens of thousands of people have lost everything. We had a Bible school there and it was completely wiped out. And, quite a few of the believers lost their lives. One of the missionary’s family got killed.”
Yohannan says they’re already planning for phase three of the relief effort, which is rebuilding. “We are planning to build about 1,000 houses for the most devastated areas, plus we have to buy fishing boats and nets for people. And, then establish orphanages for children that are totally orphaned and lost both parents.”
Christians in Sri Lanka are reaching out in Christian love. Yohannan says one of their pastors is reaching out to a Buddhist man who lost his entire family. He says the interesting part of the story is this Buddhist man persecuted this believer for being a Christian. “Our pastor literally nursed this man who once beat him up. And, this opened the door for this man, who was once the enemy, opened his heart to Jesus Christ. In our pain we hear God loud and clear speaking to us and I think that’s what’s happening.”
That why giving to Gospel for Asia is so important. It’s giving them more opportunities to show love and compassion which is providing evangelistic opportunities. Give as generously as you can because the needs are great. Go to their web site, http://www.GFA.org.